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January’s Coordinating Asylum Seeker Efforts Notes & Resources 



Date: 1/25/24  

Time: 10AM-11:30AM 

*Hosted via Microsoft Teams   



Deputy Mayor Anne Williams-Isom, Health and Human Services  

Dr. Ted Long, Ambulatory Care and Population Health, NYC Health + Hospitals 

Commissioner Manuel Castro, Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs 


Resource Presentations: 


  • Brenda Stewart-Luke, Internal Revenue Service 

  • Luisa Linares and Amelia Swanigan, Administration for Children’s Services  

  • Shaheem Taylor and Ana Ramirez, Housing Preservation and Development  

  • Leonardo Uzcategui, Fundavenyc  

  • Dr. Albert Gamarra, Department of Social Services, IDNYC 

  • Joann Villacres, NYC Service  


Email List and Permission to Share  

Please complete the form if you would like to allow NYC Service to:  

  1. Email you about updates related to asylum seeker coordination efforts  

  1. Share your organization contact with other organizations to connect directly with each other. Emails will be shared publicly with attendees of the meeting and available online. bit.ly/contactpermission 

  1. View list of contact information. 


Meeting Summary 

January’s call brought together 239 representatives from across the city, who are on the ground meeting the immediate and long-term needs of new arrivals.    

Based on feedback from previous calls, we invited several agency partners to share the great work they are doing in this space, including:  

Internal Revenue Service overview of Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), including information regarding tax benefits, steps to apply for and renew your ITIN, and common errors that result in processing delays.   

Administration for Children’s Services funds preventative programs in partnership with community-based organizations who provide case management services, housing advocacy, childcare vouchers, parent skills training, trauma informed treatment, and more. ACS prevention programs serve asylum seekers on the ground at Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers, DHS contracted hotels, and the arrival center at Roosevelt Hotel.   

Housing Preservation and Development shared pertinent information regarding affordable housing lotteries through NYC Housing Connect, including eligibility requirements, application process, rental assistance/subsidy requirements, and resources for the appeals process.   

Fundavenyc is a community-based organization serving asylum seekers with a focus on humanitarian aid, workforce development, affordable housing, and community building. In partnership with HPD, Fundavenyc Certified Housing Ambassadors assist New Yorkers in obtaining affordable housing by providing personalized support through application submission, appeals, and complaints process.   

IDNYC shared information on IDNYC cards, which are free identification cards for New York City residents who lack government issued ID cards. IDNYC cards are beneficial when opening a bank account, interacting with the NYPD, gaining access to city buildings, and providing proof of identify for employment. IDNYC cards do not impact immigration status. Further information shared in the presentation included application and approval process, what a card may not be used for, and documentation asylum seekers may provide for approval.   

NYC Service shared an opportunity to apply for two programs supporting organizational capacity by bringing on an AmeriCorps Service Member(s), for a 10-month long service term. Members are placed at organizations to serve 40-hours a week for 10 months starting September 2024 – June 2025, with a focus on meeting the needs of community-based organizations, including building volunteer programs, volunteer recruitment, and community engagement.  

The Adams administration will continue to convene this group monthly to provide current state of play, share updates on active work happening in this space, continue to share and make information and resources available to you, as you engage asylum seekers and help connect them to existing services.  


DEADLINES | Please review the items below with upcoming deadlines  

Due 2/16/2024: AmeriCorps Member Request Applications  

  • Apply to host AmeriCorps members with your organization. View attachments and learn about the two programs available to community organizations: NYC Civic Corps and NYCHA Health Corps.   


RESOURCES | Presentations discussed at the January 25th call listed here and materials attached.  


Brenda Stewart-Luke, Internal Revenue Service  

  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Overview, including:  

  • Tax benefits, renewal information, and common delay errors  


Luisa Linares and Amelia Swanigan, Administration for Children’s Services   

  • NYC Prevention Services Supporting Newly Arrived Families, including:  

  • Service delivery from 45+ CBOs who offer over 135 family support and treatment programs   


Shaheem Taylor and Ana Ramirez, Housing Preservation and Development   


Leonardo Uzcategui, Fundavenyc, Community Based Organization  

  • Fundavenyc and Housing Ambassador Summary, including:  

  • Affordable housing work, asylum support, organizational impact, and community partnerships  

  • Connect with a Housing Ambassador   


Dr. Albert Gamarra, Department of Social Services, IDNYC  

  • IDNYC Card Overview, including:  

  • Card uses, application process and requirements, and ID benefits  


Joann Villacres, NYC Service  

  • AmeriCorps Host Site Applications  



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