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Trainings & Workshops

Addressing Collective Trauma from COVID-19

A presentation of action-oriented recommendations related to safe workspaces, peer support, and management to address the collective trauma on workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

November 5, 2020 at 2 – 3:30 pm EST

Open the PDF "Addressing Collective Trauma from COVID-19"




Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace during COVID-19

Training on evidence-based strategies to identify and cope with mental health challenges for organizations to support employees, as well as volunteers manage emotional stress and anxiety during COVID-19.

November 12, 2020 at 2– 3:30 pm EST

Open the PDF "Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace during COVID-19"




Managing for Mental Health: Performance Management and Mental Health

Training to equip volunteer managers with the skills to manage performance while providing support and compassion for volunteers.

November 19th, 2020 at 2– 3:30 pm EST

Open the PDF "Managing for Mental Health: Performance Management and Mental Health"



Getting Started with Volunteer Tracking

This 101 training is designed for organizations interested in learning more about volunteer tracking.

December 10th, 2020 at 2-3:00PM EST

Open the PDF "Getting Started with Volunteer Tracking"


DEIA in Nonprofit Volunteer Programs Training

A training for nonprofits to learn how to use DEIA principles and strategies when recruiting, managing, and working with volunteers.

December 15th, 2020 at 11-12:30PM EST

Open the PDF "Nonprofit DEIA Volunteer Training"


Volunteer Management: Managing Volunteers in Times of Crisis

A training for non-profits interested in determining whether engaging volunteers post crisis is the right decision for their organization.

December 17th, 2020 at 2-3:00PM EST

Open the PDF "Managing Volunteers During Times of Crisis"


Virtual Volunteerism as an Emerging Field

This training served as a Virtual Volunteerism 101.

April 13, 2021 at 11am – 12 pm EST

Open the PDF "Virtual Volunteerism as an Emerging Field"  



Developing Effective Partnerships

This session explored the importance of volunteer recognition, and the role it plays in retaining volunteers for long-term service.

May 11th, 2021 at 10:30AM-12:00PM EST

Open the PDF "Developing Effective Partnerships"




Volunteer Management: Recognizing and Retaining Volunteers

This session explored the importance of volunteer recognition, and the role it plays in retaining volunteers for long-term service.

May 25th, 2021 at 11AM-12:30PM EST

Open the PDF "Recognizing and Retaining Volunteers"


Maximizing Impact Through Collaborative Partnerships & Volunteer Engagement

Introductory Session

This session explored how organizations can best identify critical needs in both their communities, how they make a plan to increase their organizational capacity through partnerships and volunteers, and shared best practices for building innovative and successful partnerships and for engaging community volunteers. 

September 30th, 2021 at 11AM-12:00PM EST

Open the PDF "Maximizing Impact"


Maximizing Impact Through Collaborative Partnerships & Volunteer Engagement

Session I: Understand Your Community and Assess Your Ability to Meet its Needs

This session focused on helping NYC non-profits better understand the importance of taking a deep look at community needs and organizational strengths and opportunities to better devise strategies for increasing community impact. Participants learned how to better engage communities and walked away with a framework and ideas for starting a conversation with key community and organizational stakeholders.

January 27, 2022 at 11AM-12:30PM EST

Open the PDF "Maximizing Impact: Session I"




Session II: Increase Your Capacity for Impact Through Partnerships

This session focused on helping NYC non-profits better build organizational capacity through collaboration with other organizations to have a greater impact together. Participants learned how to build innovative and successful partnerships by identifying potential partners and articulating the value proposition from all sides, to implementation and evaluation.

February 3, 2022 at 11AM-12:30PM EST

Open the PDF "Maximizing Impact: Session II"




Session III: Increase Your Capacity for Impact Through Volunteer Engagement

This session focused on helping NYC non-profits better build organizational capacity by engaging volunteers thoughtfully and intentionally, through providing guidance on the early planning process, volunteer onboarding, and ongoing management and coordination. Participants learned how to effectively manage volunteers and set them up for success to ensure a win-win for both the volunteers and your organization.

February 10, 2022 at 11AM-12:30PM EST

Open the PDF "Maximizing Impact: Session III"





Strategic Approach to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) for NYC Nonprofit Boards

A free 3-part virtual training series for nonprofit executives and board members is based on NYC Service's 2018 report recommendations and aims to move away from a surface-level understanding of DEIA to focus on building a deepened and common framework that works to harness board support and action.

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Access the NYC Good Governance Blueprint

The NYC Good Governance Blueprint was developed by the NYC Nonprofit Board Development Coalition, led by NYC Service, a division of the Office of the Mayor. The coalition includes 22 organizations that make it their mission to support nonprofits across New York City. The NYC Good Governance Blueprint was originally published in April 2016 and updated in January 2018. In creating the NYC Good Governance Blueprint, the Coalition’s objective was to craft a resource for board and staff leadership that consolidates best practices, resources, and tools for governance. The goal of this publication is not to teach you everything you need to know, but to give you the resources to explore topics further.

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