Is your nonprofit, school, or government agency looking for volunteers? Would you like to be able to network, receive training, and collaborate with other organizations? We are excited to partner with you to help your organization achieve its mission and goals!
The following answers are based on using a desktop to access your account. We recommend accessing your organization’s account from a desktop on Google Chrome or another browser. If you’re having trouble with accessing your account on a mobile device or tablet, contact us at
Account management
Where is my organization’s account?
Organizations registered on the NYC Service were emailed about a change in the website platform that took place on 12/7/22. Check the list of organizations and if your organization’s account is not listed, you should re-register.
If you’ve recently completed the organization registration form, allow between 1-3 business days for approval. All organization profiles are screened by NYC Service staff to ensure the profiles meet the requirements listed in the terms of use.
What is an organization account?
Not-for-profit organizations engaging volunteers in New York City are welcome to register their organization on and use the account to recruit and manage volunteers. Please see the terms of use to confirm whether your organization meets the eligibility. If you are a representative from a nonprofit organization, educational institution, or city agency, register your organization. If your organization already has an account and you need access, you will need the primary contact to request partner access from the organization account.
What information is required to create an account?
Organizations are required to enter organization details, such as name, mission statement and EIN, primary contact information, impact areas, and populations served. Other information such as website, social media can be included in an organization profile but is not required.
What are impact areas?
Impact areas are descriptions that best match your organization’s mission and programming. Selecting volunteer impact areas help volunteers search for opportunities based on their interest(s).
How do I add population or impact area options?
Populations served are people or projects that your organization or volunteer opportunities support. If you’d like to add an organization focus, impact area, or population, contact NYC Service at
What is my username?
Your username is the email address you created your account with.
How do I change my password or update my email address?
After you log in to our website, click "My Account" and then "Personal Information." Make your changes and click "SAVE" at the top or bottom of the page.
What if I've forgotten my password?
Click on "Log In" at the top right of the page and click "Forgot password". Enter your email address and click “EMAIL LINK.” An email will be sent to you with a temporary password.
How do I assign another staff member access to the account?
When creating an account, add your secondary contact
Log into your organization’s profile. On the partner portal, select “My Organization” to the left, then toward the bottom of the page, under “My Organization Contacts,” you can click “Create Organization Contact”.
To give a staff member access to the partner portal, the staff must already be a contact under “My Organization Contacts.” Click “Request Portal Access.” NYC Service will need to approve the partner staff access.
What is the approval process for organization accounts?
All organization accounts are screened by NYC Service staff to ensure the information entered meets the requirements listed in the terms of use. Please allow between 1-3 business days for approval.
I created an account and it’s approved. How do I log in?
Primary contacts entered at the time the organization profile was submitted will receive an email notification when the organization’s profile has been approved. The email will include a link to login. You can also click “Create or Reset Password,” which will automatically email you a link to create a password.
Didn’t receive an email?
Add to your safe sender list! Try “reset password,” and if you don’t receive an email reach out to NYC Service.
Why aren’t links working?
NYC Service switched website platforms on 12/7/22 and, because of this, many previous links are not likely to work. If you need help accessing your organization’s account, a report or resource, or other links to the NYC Service website, please email
Opportunity Management
How do I create an opportunity?
Log into your organization’s account.
In the partner portal, click “Volunteer Opportunities” to the left.
Click the “Create Volunteer Opportunity” button on the top right corner.
Complete all the fields in the description and “save.” All the information entered will be public and searchable:
Opportunity Name will appear as the title in the search results
Select the Schedule Type (Date & Time Specific OR Individually Scheduled) and Registration Type
Description provides volunteers details of what is expected of them and what to expect when volunteering. You can also include whether background checks, orientation, or training is required.
Opportunity Coordinator is the staff who will manage the volunteers, including confirming volunteer participation if using 'express interest, and reporting attendance after the project. To assign staff as an opportunity coordinator, they must first be a contact with your organization (follow steps from “How do I assign another staff member access to the account?” under “Account Management” above).
Location is the address where the volunteer opportunity will take place.
Volunteer opportunities must also include impact area, population served, age groups served, minimum age to sign up.
Suitable for Groups indicates volunteers are welcome to sign up themselves, plus others.
Maximum Attendance field only appears for Date & Time specific opportunities. It is the maximum number of volunteers who can sign up before registration is closed. Once the maximum attendance has been reached, volunteers will have the option to join a wait list and are notified if space is available.
Note: this is not a place to post internship opportunities.
How do I remove an opportunity?
In the partner portal, click “Volunteer Opportunities” to the left.
Click the opportunity you wish to remove.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under “Occurrences” (this means “shifts”) click “Cancel” under the “Actions” column. Note that if you wish to cancel an opportunity which has multiple occurrences (“shifts”) you will need to cancel each occurrence individually.
Note: individually scheduled opportunities cannot be removed via the partner portal. You will need to email to remove these.
Do opportunities need to be approved also?
Yes! All opportunities are screened by NYC Service staff before they are posted publicly on the website. Organizations are eligible for volunteer opportunity auto-approval after 30 days on the website and 10 volunteer opportunities posted. Auto-approval is subject to change.
Please allow between 1-3 business days for review.
What are the different types of opportunities?
There are two types of opportunities you can create: 1) Date & Time Specific 2) Individually Scheduled
Date & Time Specific.
Date & Time Specific is for opportunities that occur on a specific date and specific time range.
These can occur one time only or you can make them recurrences (occur on a regular schedule). To make create recurrences, select “Yes” under “Does this occur on a regular schedule?” You will then select the date range, time range for each occurrence, and how often they reoccur (daily, weekly, monthly).
Select the Registration Type:
“Sign Up” will automatically register the volunteer when they click “Sign Up”
“Express Interest” will notify you when a volunteer clicks “Express Interest” on a given occurrence.
Individually Scheduled.
Individually Scheduled are for opportunities that occur between a date range and/or a time range. These are good for opportunities that don’t require volunteers for a specific time and/or date. This type of opportunity is flexible to allow volunteers to specify when they want to volunteer within the date and/or time range available.
Select the Registration Type:
Express Interest with Schedule
You can select a date range and enter available time ranges specific to each day of the week. Volunteers will be able to express interest with a specific date and time range or with a regular schedule, so long as it falls within the date and time frame available.
Express Interest Only
For Express Interest Only, you will be only able to enter the start date and end date. The volunteer will click “Express Interest” and you will be notified via email.
What are occurrences?
Occurrences, regarding Date & Time Specific opportunities, are shifts. Each Date & Time Specific opportunity must have at least one occurrence. Occurrences are when a given opportunity takes place.
For example, Danny’s Nonprofit has an opportunity called Food Pantry Volunteer. One occurrence for this opportunity happens on 1/23/2023 between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM, and another occurrence happens on 1/24/2023 between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
Another example, Danny’s Nonprofit has an opportunity called Tutor Math to Students. This opportunity occurs every Friday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Each time that opportunity takes place is an occurrence.
Occurrences, regarding Individually Scheduled opportunities, represent the opportunity itself along with the specific timeframes and recurrences associated with the opportunity at the time you created it.
For example, Danny’s Nonprofit has an opportunity called Pick Up Litter at the Parks. The timeframe for this opportunity starts on 1/30/2023 and ends on 3/30/2023. The opportunity recurs on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. The entire opportunity is an occurrence in the partner portal system.
What is a recurrence?
A recurrence is a set of occurrences for the same opportunity that takes place at the same location at the same time but on different days. Recurrences are created when creating Date & Time Specific opportunities and when you select “Yes” under “Does this occur on a regular schedule?”
For example, Danny’s Nonprofit has an opportunity called Free Tax Preparer. The opportunity occurs on a regular schedule daily from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM between 2/3/2023 to 4/3/2023. Every day this opportunity occurs is a recurrence (as it was specified when creating it in the partner portal) and each time it occurs is an occurrence on its own. Note that an opportunity can have multiple occurrences but not be a recurrence if it wasn’t created to happen at the same location and at the same time.
Volunteer Management
Can I email volunteers through the portal?
Yes! You can email individual volunteers or groups of volunteers from within the portal.
Volunteers registered for an opportunity will also receive auto-emails 4 days prior to an opportunity.
Can I export the contact information of interested volunteers?
Yes! When logged into your partner portal, on the left-hand-side select "Contacts." From there, you can export as CSV file of all volunteers that have expressed interest or signed up to a project.
When should I contact volunteers who have expressed interest?
We recommend contacting volunteers as soon as possible, but at least within 3-5 days of the volunteer expressing interest. .
What is a volunteer waitlist?
Date & Time specific opportunities require a maximum number of volunteer sign ups. Once the maximum registration has been reached, volunteers can add themselves to a waitlist and will be automatically added to the opportunity if another volunteer removes themselves or if the capacity is expanded.
What is “Add a connection”?
Connections are all the contacts connected to your organization. Connections can include volunteers who have expressed interest, canceled, or attended a volunteer project listed. Connections can also include staff who have access to manage the organization profile and opportunities.
Other Features
In-Kind Donations Lists
Organizations registered on the NYC Service website can create lists of items needed for programs supported by volunteers. Requests can include non-cash items such as food, clothing, hygiene products, re-usable items, equipment, or other supplies. In-Kind Lists may not include cash, weapons, bills, gift-cards, or weapons of any kind. Organizations are responsible for any documentation needed by the volunteer donor. All in-kind donations are reviewed and approved before becoming publicly available.
Corporate Volunteer Opportunities
What are corporate volunteer opportunities and what kind of information should be included?
Organizations can post opportunities that are best suited for employers engaging their staff in service. Information relating to volunteer tasks, time required, location, etc is good to include. Note: opportunities posting must not require membership or financial contribution for participation.
When creating volunteer opportunities, registered organizations can select if the opportunity is appropriate for corporate groups.
NYC Service is providing a web-based volunteer posting and recruitment tool to organizations throughout New York City (“Sponsors”) that wish to participate by offering programs that provide volunteer opportunities meeting the requirements below (“Posted Programs”):
In offering Posted Program(s), Sponsor(s) must fulfill all of the following requirements:
Sponsor must be a public educational institution, a government agency, faith-based organization, or an organization that is tax-exempt under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or other not-for-profit organization.
Posted Program(s) and volunteer opportunities must serve a secular purpose and be open to all residents within the five boroughs of New York City.
In offering Posted Program(s), Sponsor(s) and Posted Program(s) must comply with the provisions of all federal, state and local laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, disability, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual preference, employment, or any other basis within the scope of protection of such laws.
Posted Program(s) may not promote political candidates.
Posted Program(s) may not operate from a private residence.
Sponsor(s) must not require membership or financial contribution for participation in Posted Program(s).
Sponsor(s) are free to partner or negotiate with corporate entities to ensure seamless execution of the volunteer program; all parties must understand the City is not party to any agreements.
In providing Posted Program(s), Sponsor agrees to the following volunteer management practices:
Designate a Sponsor contact person to act as liaison to NYC Service (“Sponsor liaison”).
Interview, screen, and perform other necessary background checks of volunteer applicants to protect Sponsor’s clients and staff (NYC Service does not screen or perform background checks on volunteers referred to Sponsors).
If a volunteer is not appropriate for your organization upon initial referral, refer him or her back to NYC Service.
Keep all volunteer records confidential.
Provide a safe environment in which to volunteer.
Provide volunteers with written volunteer descriptions and supervision as needed to perform their duties.
Recognize volunteers for their contributions to the organization.
Promptly respond to all volunteer requests (whether at referral for initial placement or during later points) .
Maintain monthly lists of successful referrals with email addresses of volunteers, available to NYC Service upon request.
Must operate volunteer programs within New York City
Sponsor agrees to the following communication terms with NYC Service:
Designate a staff person to update the Sponsor profile and Posted Program(s) on the Sponsor’s website at least twice a year.
Accept sole responsibility for posting and updating Sponsor profile and Posted Program content once approved and posted by NYC Service. Provide the information requested by NYC Service on outcome of volunteer referrals, placement, and impact.
Update Sponsor organization profile with any changes in relevant information of staff, address, phone, fax, and website or e-mail address within 24 hours of change.
NYC Service reserves right to evaluate registrants and proposed Posted Program(s) on the basis of the following criteria:
The quality of the Posted Program(s)
The past performance of the Sponsor or Posted Program(s)
The proposed Posted Program(s)’ impact on the community
The Sponsor’s mission statement and historical profile statement
The location of Posted Program(s) or activity
Organizations registered on the NYC Service may use the In-Kind List functionality to request non-cash donations for volunteer programs or volunteer supported programs. Examples of in-kind donations are food, clothing, hygiene products, re-usable items, equipment, or supplies. In-Kind Lists may not include cash, weapons, bills, gift-cards, or weapons of any kind. All item requests must be approved by NYC Service and NYC Service reserves the right to reject requests at its sole discretion for donations deemed inappropriate.
The inclusion of any organization or person in this database does not constitute a representation, warranty, or endorsement with respect to the competence, suitability or reliability of such organization or person by NYC Service; nor does NYC Service sponsor or endorse any third-party website.
NYC Service is not responsible for taxable or charitable donation forms, and organizations should clearly indicate their taxable donation process to interested in-kind donors.
Disclaimer: A contribution to any organization will not affect any business dealings with the City or provide special access to City officials.
Other Terms and Conditions of Use:
NYC Service reserves the right to refuse registration or to remove from the NYC Service website any Sponsor or Posted Program(s) in which the Posted Program(s)’ mission and/or purpose is determined not to comply with the above provisions based on the description of the Posted Program(s), or upon the conduct of current or prior Posted Program(s), including, but not limited to, the following:
Two or more negative evaluations are received from volunteers within a six-month period.
A Sponsor fails to comply with any terms or conditions.
A Sponsor attempts to solicit donations through the site (recruiting volunteers to help in fundraising is allowed).
NYC Service will communicate any action or decision regarding a proposed or current Posted Program listing at the email address of the Sponsor liaison, including, if the Posted Program is denied or a listing removed, the basis for such denial or removal.
NYC Service will refer, but not place volunteers. NYC Service does not screen volunteers and is not liable for any damages or losses caused by volunteers. Referrals by NYC Service to any receiving organization, in no way, implies, recommends, or certifies that any volunteer is suitable for placement or that any background checks were performed by NYC Service.
To the fullest extent permitted by Law, the Sponsor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, including its officials and employees, against any and all claims (even if the allegations of the claim are without merit), judgments for damages on account of any injuries or death to any person or damage to any property, and costs and expenses to which the City or its officials or employees, may be subject to or which they may suffer or incur allegedly arising out of any of the operations of the Sponsor and/or its volunteers under this Agreement. Insofar as the facts or Law relating to any of the foregoing would preclude the City or its officials or employees from being completely indemnified by the Sponsor, the City and its officials and employees shall be partially indemnified by the Sponsor to the fullest extent permitted by Law.
This agreement does not create any agency or partnership between the Sponsor and the City of New York. Sponsor does not have permission to use the City of New York’s marks or logos and understands that participation does not grant Sponsor a license to use any of the City of New York’s marks or logos.
Sponsor must comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and applicable policies of the City of New York.
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