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Opportunity Details

Vision Urbana Food Pantry

Yaaayyyy !!! ►►► Thank You for Volunteering at Vision Urbana's Food Pantry. 


We appreciate you for donating your time to serve in our communities here on the Lower East Side.

To serve in NYC is part of our mission to end hunger in our communities and our city.

Here at Visioin Urbana we are securing a way to reach out into our communities to 

assist in the help of ending poverty, ending hunger by also giving back to our communities.

We want to see a change in our community ?! Let us be that help to change our communities.

We are here to help ourselves to make our city neighborhoods and our blocks for all of us to live in and

thrive from. Vision Urbana is here to support our communities and to help make it our own. 

V.U. Pantry 's Service Schedule
Operation Days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

* Wednesday's (Fresh Produce Day Deliveries Only) 

Time : 1st Shift : 9am - 12pm
       : 2nd Shift : 1pm - 4pm

V.U. Pantry Service Positions
1.  Unloading trucks of produce into the pantry.

2. Delivering prepared produce bags to homes.

3. Breaking down boxes, and cleaning up.

4. Bagging pantry items for stock & delivery.

5. Stocking & reshelving pantry goods (FIFO rule).

V.U. Pantry Location
64-66 Essex Street
New York, NY 10002


The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Eliminate hunger
Families, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, Low-income communities

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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253 Broadway, 8th floor, New York, NY 10007

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